Monday, April 5, 2010

Depressed? Study Suggests Chiropractic!

A research study published in the November 7, 2005 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a positive result in the care of individuals with depression. For the purpose of this study subjects were selected on the basis of being over 18 years of age and having depression noted in their medical history file. Fifteen participants completed the study and were used in determining the results.

In the discussion section of the study, it was noted that the concept of chiropractic care's role in mental health was not a new idea. In fact it was reported that two major chiropractic psychiatric hospitals functioned successfully for nearly thirty years in Davenport, Iowa.

The subjects of this study were given a standardized test known as the Beck Depression Inventory (aka BDI-II) both before and after receiving specific chiropractic care for correction of subluxations. To be consistent, the same process of analysis and techniques of correction were used in correcting the subluxations determined to be present. Before and after x-rays were also used to determine the presence and correction of the subluxations.

The results showed a significant improvement of the average BDI-II scores of the group. Lower BDI-II are considered better than higher scores. The higher the level the more severe the depression. The group as a whole scored a 17 in the BDI-II before chiropractic. After chiropractic care for correction of their subluxations the groups average score improved to 8.

On an individual basis, eleven participants experienced marked improvement, two had minimal improvement while 2 participants scored worse on the follow up test. The researchers noted that this research tested and supported the hypothesis that chiropractic correction of the subluxation complex reduced depressive symptomatology.

The researchers concluded by stating, "This study’s results provide support for the hypothesis that a positive relationship exists between a correction of the occipitoatlantoaxial subluxation complex and a reduction in depressive symptoms in some people."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Should you get your child checked?

Could Your Child Benefit from a Visit to a Chiropractor?

The above question is the title of an article from the national publication, Parents and Kids, in the July 25, 2006 issue. The article was an informative contribution covering good information in a magazine whose self-proclaimed purpose is "A Guide to Smart Parenting From Baby to Preteen".

The article starts by reviewing the fact that children are susceptible to spinal trauma that can have an effect on the nervous system. The article notes that, "Nerve system stress, left unaddressed, impairs the child’s ability to function in a state of optimal health and well-being." The article further notes that Chiropractors refer to this nerve system stress as subluxations of the bones of the spine and cranium. They also note that these subluxations may not cause any immediate symptoms and that "pain and malfunction may not show up for many years."

The recommendations from the article are that children should be checked soon after birth. They note that the birth process itself can have a damaging effect on spinal structures. Although a traumatic birth process is surely reason for alarm, the article notes, "Even the most natural births are somewhat traumatic to the infant and may cause hidden nerve system damage." Additionally, the article points out that, "It has been shown that many children who experience symptoms of difficulty sleeping breastfeeding, digestion (colic and reflux), repeated ear and respiratory infections have impaired nerve system function."

The author of the article notes that chiropractic care for children is specific and does not cause pain or discomfort. They provide a list of some of the more common reasons why you may want to consider having your child checked by a chiropractor. These include; difficult birth, difficulty nursing, colic, reflux, trouble sleeping, ear infections, frequent colds and infections, allergies/asthma, behavioral problems (ADD), and postural abnormality, head tilt, high shoulder or hip.

The article concludes with a list provided by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association ( of what they term, "Successful results from chiropractic care." This list includes; increased immunity, fewer colds/infections, increased athletic potential, increased energy, relief from allergies/asthma, better sleep habits, reduction in hyperactivity, and scoliosis improvement.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lose 10 lbs...without trying! (well...almost!)

Here is a 7 day plan for shaving off those pesky extra calories we all enjoy, but could do without.

Monday- Skip the Grande Vanilla Latte
Substitute with a brewed black coffee, and save 250 calories (1750 per week).

Tuesday- Spritz Your Salad
Your favourite salad can be a calorie nightmare when loaded with unhealthy, commerical salad dressing. Invest in an oil spritzer, and spritz your salad with heart healthy oils such as olive, flax or grapeseed. Season with dried herbs and Nature's Cargo Sea Salt. Save 100 calories (700 per week).

Wednesday- Say no to mayo
Try replacing mayo with mustard, you get all the zip without the fat. Save 100 calories (700 per week)

Thursday- Ditch the fat
Steam your veggies, instead of frying them in oil, get that heart healthy veggie "crunch" and save 115 calories. (805 per week)

Friday- Add a lil fizz to happy hour
Switch your favourite cosmo for a vodka soda with a splash of cranberry juice, saving 90 calories for 2 drinks.

Saturday- Why drive when you can walk?
Slip some walking into your weekend. Park your car and walk between stores while out and about doing errands. Burn 180 calories per hour. (1260 per week)

Sunday- Lean, Mean Breakfast
Try poaching eggs instead of fried or scrambled, saving 50 calories.

100 calories saved per day= lose 1 pound per month
200 calories saved per day= lose 2 pounds per month
300 calories saved per day= lose about 4 pounds

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Does Lower Back Problems Effect the Way You Think?

Do You Think You Have Lower Back Problems

Published in the February 1st 1999 issue of “Spine” research magazine, was a study that showed a link between chronic low back pain and slower reaction times, reduced short term memory, and certain motor tasks. The study measured subjects with chronic lower back pain using a computer to test their short term memory and reaction time to certain items that appeared on the screen.

The conclusion was that chronic Lower Back Pain hampers short term memory and decreases the patients speed of process of certain information.

In a related note the “Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics” July August 1999 issue published a pilot study comparing chiropractic care to acupuncture and medication for patients with chronic low back problems. The results were that no change took place with the acupuncture and medication group while significant changes occurred in the chiropractic group. Considering the information above about memory and reaction times we can see the profound positive effect chiropractic can have on these patients.

(article courtesy of

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Your Health Maintenance

What is health?

If you were to ask 10 of your friends, you may get 10 different answers. It must be more than just the absence of disease. Health must be viewed as an ever-evolving state, a process that starts when you are born and ends at death.

Throughout Chiropractic history, its practitioners have been promoting the concept of the body's ability to heal itself, and the need to maintain the nervous system free from neurological irritation. For most of us, we hide our symptoms and problems by medicating them, suppressing symptoms that are warning signs, instead of correcting the cause of the malfunction. The Chiropractic approach to health focuses on "maintaining health" instead of "treating disease". We must understand that being well differs from relieving symptoms.

Chiropractors teach that health is not a commodity, it can only be obtained and maintained by allowing the natural recuperative powers of the body to function unimpaired. Locating minor spinal deviations early, before they interfere with a proper functioning nervous system, and produce symptoms, will greatly assist your body in remaining healthy.

Regular spinal adjustments are the most important part of your body's defense against illness. Correcting the cause rather than only treating the effects is integral in maintaining your health.

Maintain your health....get adjusted today!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Supersize Me?

Did you know that 30% of adults report they would have been satisfed with a smaller portion of food... yet 69% of adults finish what's on their plate.

Due to restaurant chains supersize, biggie and upsizing portions, many of us are unaware that we are eating more of what we shouldn't. More often than not, we eat more when served more, whether we are hungry or not.

Here are a few tips to help you eat sufficiently.

1. Take sips of water between bites.
2. Only dish out the amount you would like to eat.
3. Avoid snacking in front of the T.V. or computer.
4. Take breaths between bites, and chew your food completely before swallowing.
5. It's sooo much easier to avoid the bad snacks and foods when they're not on hand...don't bring them home. Out of sight, out of mind.
6. Make an effort to make your meals last at least 20 minutes.
7. Don't skip meals.
8. Allow yourself to get hungry. Be able to identify real hunger vs. eating out of boredom.
9. Eat larger meals earlier in the day, and smaller meals in the evening.

Did you know...
- The standard dinner plate used in most restaurants has increased from 10 to 12 inches.

- 20 years ago, a muffin had 200 calories and 1.5 oz. Today the average muffin has about 500 calories and is over 5 oz!

- 20 years ago, a bagel had a 3 inch diameter and was 140 calories. Today the average bagel is 6 inches in diameter and 350 calories.

(Above information courtesy of Alive magazine)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heart Health

Several news stories reported on a study performed at the University of Leeds in England, and published in the August 1, 2007 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, that showed links between neck muscles and the brain and that this link plays a crucial role in controlling blood pressure.

One report by UPI on August 2, 2007 starts off by stating, "A University of Leeds chance discovery in a British laboratory shows why a chiropractic adjustment for a pain in the neck may do wonders for blood pressure." This article quotes study leader Professor Jim Deuchars who notes that his finding found pathways between the neck and the brain and shows how the neck muscles could play an important role in controlling blood pressure, and why chiropractic care works so well with blood pressure. He states, "By identifying the pathways we can see why these treatments might work and it could also explain why some people suffering whiplash injuries may experience a change in their blood pressure."

Another article appearing on Scenta by the Engineering and Technology Board on August 2, 2007 further quoted Professor Jim Deuchars, "Reports from chiropractic journals say that manipulating the neck region helps to reduce blood pressure in some people. By identifying the pathways we can see why these treatments might work and it could also explain why some people suffering whiplash injuries may experience a change in their blood pressure."

As he mentions in the article, Professor Deuchars notes that the Leeds study further corroborates the work done at the Hypertension Center at the University of Chicago Medical Center and published in the March 2, 2007 issue of the Journal of Human Hypertension. In that previous study 25 people in the study group receiving the chiropractic adjustments all showed a significant reduction in blood pressure compared with groups in the study that did not get chiropractic adjustments.

(This article is courtesy of

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